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Relationship Management, Consultancy and Sales

Where managers, consultants or sales staff have to build relationships with external clients and/or partners, Develop Global can provide them with the knowledge, skills and attitude to maximise their success. For example, we can help them:
  • Develop the commercial skills required

  • To really understand the customer and their needs

  • Use a professional consultancy approach

  • To have those difficult conversations

  • Influence and negotiate to ensure the right outcome

  • Use appropriate sales skills and learn to handle objections

  • Have impact and be able to make powerful presentations

  • Hold difficult conversations (Holding Difficult Conversations with Stakeholders)
    View full workshop details

For more information on our solutions such as running workshops in-house, elearning, videos, consultancy, or our public courses please contact:

  • +44 (0)7740 737739
  • +44 (0)7866 676230
© Develop-Global 2024